on the off chance anyone actually reads this blog I wish to apologise. I had planned, if only for my own amusement, to post a blog each day of my Japan trip. I thought this would be a good chance into blogging mindset but then technology got in the way.
On the flight over and on the trip to Kobe I had been running on the battery or to be more precise, batteries (I brought a extra battery which hooks on externally to HP laptops). By the time I reached Kobe I had maybe just over an hour left on the clock. Cool, get to the hotel and plug then thing into the mains.
You know that thing where something is so familiar you don't actually think about it. Like for instance power plugs. Will there I was with my Japanese power adaptor, wiring up the laptop, go to fit the adaptor and... well how about that the laptop power pack has a three pin plug and the adaptor only takes a two pin.
From there it all went downhill. Log in to work only to find that there were problems with my project which had to fixed. So I am madly coding coding away trying to get a solution in place before the computer dies. I must say there is nothing more relaxing then of an evening debugging code while watching your battery charge drop below 2%. Believe it or not the problem was resolved but the laptop was dead in the water.
For the next few days things weren't looking good. Couldn't find an adaptor anywhere. At one point I considered hacking off the power plug and hand wiring a Japanese plug to the cable. Thankfully sanity prevailed.
On reaching Hiroshima the tech god smiled upon me. I hit the downtown shopping area and within half an hour I found CompMart, a full four/five floors of computer stuff. And there on the third floor I found it, the Road Warrior power cable which provided adaptors for both the power points and power packs. I was saved.