While thinking about the use of paper as an interface metaphor the thought struck me what if paper had never been developed. What if we never moved beyond clay tablets and cuneiform. Can you imagine what the printers would be like?
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Learning to touch type
After twenty plus years of of interacting with computers i have finally knuckled down and decided to learn to touch type.
It is one of those things that i have made half-hearted attempts at before but could never commit myself to. I always got too frustrated with trying to keep my fingers in one place for any length of time. Considering i got my first typewriter when i was sixteen it is not like i have in issue with keyboards or anything. Nor am i a member of the one finger school of typing. I am one of your head down bum up, whatever finger is available, kind of typist. All verve and passion but sweet F.A. in terms of accuracy and elegance. The other thing i started realising is that because i was still in essence have to pick keys out, deciding which one to strike with which finger, my brain was always having to think about two things at once. This is decidedly not efficient. As a tablet PC user this lack of efficiency was reinforced by the ease with ideas can be expressed when writing by hand.
So for the past month i have slowly been working on my touch typing skills. From somewhere i have found the patience to persevere and gradually my fingers are being tamed. Caps are still proving problematic, the little finger has always been the least disciplined of the bunch, and i have to tackle numbers, but it is getting there.
What i am finding interesting about the process is how, as with handwriting, one starts moving away from thinking about typing as the hitting of individual keys. Instead i am finding that words are being defined as set of finger movements. I think of a word and my fingers "know" the pattern to create that word. As a former musician i shouldn't be surprised by this but at the same time it is worth remembering and perceiving these processes at work.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Deep Clone function for .Net 2.0
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
Public Shared Function DeepClone(Of T )(ByVal source As T) As T
If Not source.GetType().IsSerializable Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim target As T = Nothing
Using ms As New MemoryStream()
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter()
bf.Serialize(ms, source)
ms.Position = 0
target = bf.Deserialize(ms)
End Using
Return target
End Function
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Generics in VB.Net and List.Find()
The problem with the Find() function of List
Dim instance As New Predicate(Of T)(AddressOf HandlerMethod)
The HandlerMethod() would then contain the logic for determining which instance from the list to return. The BIG problem with this is that you can't pass any other parameters in to the method which means you have to either hardcode the search criteria into the function or if you are trying to match an existing object to one already in the List having to assign it to a global variable. In C# the solution to this is to use anonymous methods but that is not an option in VB.Net.
I spent a couple of hours wrestling with this and was about to resort to just looping through the list until i got a match when i found the following article:
In this the writer provided a workaround so that an object could be passed in as a parameter. The solution is a little convaluted but it works. Anyway as i was looking at his could i saw an even simpler solution.
For this to work your class will need to implement the IEquatable(Of T) interface
public class MyClass
implements IEquatable(Of MyClass)
private _name as string
public Property Name() As String
Return _name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_name = value
End Set
End Property
Public Function Equals1(ByVal other As Regulation_Type) As Boolean Implements System.IEquatable(Of Regulation_Type).Equals
return me._name = other._name
end function
dim myList as new List(of MyClass)
dim currentMyClass as MyClass
currentMyClass = New MyClass
currentMyClass.Name = "Bob"
if myList.contains(currentMyClass) then
currentMyClass = myList.Find(New System.Predicate(Of MyClass)(AddressOf currentMyClass.Equals1)
end if