Finally i get around to it.
I set this blog up ages ago but just never quite got around to doing anything with it.
Why? All the usual reasons i guess. Got nothing to say, to scared to to voice my opinions, etc, etc. Also, even though i subscribe to the blogs of others, there is the feeling that one is just adding to the noise. Though a direct comparison can't be drawn, blogging in some ways reminds of the when desktop publishing first became accessible to people beyond the graphic design field and we suffered the agony of a thousand fonts.
Now as we are coming to the end of 2005 (which has not been one of my better years) i have decided to explore the idea of using my blog as means of clarifying my thoughts and ideas.
One of the effects of the on-line revolution (of which blogging is a part of) is the breadth of ideas and information that can be accessed. This can be both exciting and confusing at the same time because the period between encountering new ideas has greatly deminished and consequently the time for reflection and analysis has also been reduced. For myself i have found that this has lead me to chase all so sorts of weird and wonderful concepts but inversely i have perceived a reduction in depth of knowledge.
Having thought about this issue i have decided blogging would be a way to consolidate my thinking. I am not particularly concerned if anyone reads what i write or not but by writing for an audience it forces you to think about what you are saying.
And thus it begins.